picture of church

If you would like to give a donation towards the work of Cardonald Parish Church, you can do this securely via the Church of Scotland website, using the following link:

If you are a UK taxpayer your gift can be increased by 25% at no additional cost to yourself by agreeing to Gift Aid your donation. This additional income will be claimed by the congregation in receipt of your gift where one has been specified.

Please contact us if you would like to find out more about:

  • Giving donations by Cheque or Bank Transfer
  • Giving regular donations by Standing Order
  • Giving by Free-will Offering Envelopes
  • Gift Aid (UK taxpayers only)


Minister: Rev. Gavin McFadyen

Cardonald Parish Church
2155 Paisley Road West
G52 3PF

Scottish Charity Number: SC010265


Office Telephone:
0141 882 6264

Office opening times:
Mon & Thu 9am-3pm
Tue & Fri 9am- 1pm
Wed 9am- 11am