picture of church
Useful Links

The Church of Scotland: https://www.churchofscotland.org.uk/

Presbytery of Glasgow: https://www.presbyteryofglasgow.org.uk/

Cardonald Parish Church Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/cardonaldparishchurch.org.uk/

G52 Churches Together Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/G52churchestogether/

The 44th Glasgow Company, The Boys’ Brigade: https://www.the44.co.uk/

BibleGateway: https://www.biblegateway.com/

The Alpha Course: https://www.alpha.org/

Christianity.org.uk: https://christianity.org.uk/

Glasgow South West Foodbank: https://glasgowsw.foodbank.org.uk/

Church House, Bridgeton: http://churchhousebridgeton.org.uk/

Glasgow The Caring City: https://glasgowthecaringcity.com/

The Lodging House Mission: https://www.lhm-glasgow.org.uk/

The Well Multi-Cultural Resource Centre: https://thewell.org.uk/

Glasgow City Mission: https://www.glasgowcitymission.com/

The Preshal Trust: https://www.preshaltrust.org.uk/

Christian Aid: https://www.christianaid.org.uk/

Tear Fund: https://www.tearfund.org/

Minister: Rev. Gavin McFadyen

Cardonald Parish Church
2155 Paisley Road West
G52 3PF

Scottish Charity Number: SC010265


Office Telephone:
0141 882 6264

Office opening times:
Mon & Thu 9am-3pm
Tue & Fri 9am- 1pm
Wed 9am- 11am